PRODUCTSProduct introduction, Product Search Introduction of "Minimal Design" proposed by Yamada Lighting.Only because the design of the product is "minimal" or "minimum" is it sublimes into the scene of space.
Z-LIGHTZ-LIGHT Introduction of product "Z-LIGHT" which reaches 60 years from birth.It has evolving features and functions, and has won awards such as the Good Design Award.
CATALOGCatalog Introducing the latest "General Catalog" ,"Z-LIGHT Catalog" and "Graphic Book Vivid".You can browse digital books (HTML5 version) and request catalogs (print version).
MEDIAMedia publication information Introduction of "Media Information" related to Yamada Lighting.We will talk about the present of Yamada Lighting, which will expand the place of activity in various scenes.
COMPANY PROFILECompany information We will introduce Yamada Lighting's corporate information, such as company profile and corporate philosophy.